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Brand new to using CBD?

You are likely reading this post because you are doing your beginner's research into CBD and seeing if it's right for you! Education is key when trying or starting something new so I implore you for doing your homework. 

Types of Products:
If you have searched our website at all you will see there are a various products we have that contain CBD such as lotions, tinctures, gummy bears, capsules, vape pens, pet series, etc. You might be asking yourself "where do i start" and really it's up to you on the method of product you want.


The above image below is a tincture. You can see from the image it's a bottle with a dropper. Each dropper full is about 1ml. The typical dosage is 1 dropper per serving. When you are starting CBD for the FIRST time you will also notice these bottles come in different MG options. We offer 500mg and 1000mg and 1500mg. If you are just starting your journey you probably do not know which one to choose. We suggest if your starting CBD for the first time and you want to start with a tincture then start with the cheapest option which is the 500MG. Everyone is different and everyone is using CBD for various reasons so there is no point in getting the highest MG option to start. There are some people that need a higher dosage so they need the higher concentration. I always suggest to people start low and work yourself up in dosing. Start with 1/4 or 1/2 a dropper and wait and see if your condition improved. Use the same dosage for 3-4 days and if you think you need more move up to 3/4 to 1 full dropper. Sometimes it can take a few weeks before your body gets the full benefit of the CBD so do not stop after a few days.

How to use the tincture: You place it under your tongue and leave it there for about 1-2 minutes. The point of using a tincture is you have blood vessels under your tongue so the cbd absorbs pretty quickly into your blood. After that you simply swallow.

What does it taste like? : The carrier liquid is MCT oil and then the CBD hemp oil. It tastes very earthy. Some people do not mind the taste and other people have to use water afterwords. Either option is fine.

How do I calculate how many MG i am taking:  Depending on the bottle concentration you purchsed you can easily calculate how many MG you are taking. The 500MG bottle has 500MG in the 30ML bottle. Each dropper is 1ML. Because you can get 30 full droppers out of a bottle you can do 30 / 500mg = 16.66mg per full dropper. If you are using a 1000mg bottle you can do 30 / 1000mg = 33.33mg.   

Will these get me high? Absolutely not. This is a common concern for people especially with anxiety. Our products are derived from high quality organic hemp. Hemp is high in CBD and very low in THC. Other products on the market sometimes are derived from cannabis which can include lots of THC. Our products do not. Our products are full spectrum meaning there maybe a tiny bit of thc but nothing near what you would need to give you the "high". Rest assured.

Gummy Bears:

The above picture is our gummy bears. They come in a bottle of 60 gummy bears and each gummy bear contains about 5mg of cbd. This is a easy and effective method for specific dosages. If you do not like the taste of the oral tincture then these sweet treats might work better for you. Because you are ingesting cbd instead of applying it under your tongue it may take a little longer to have an affect. This is because it takes time to break down the sugary parts of the gummies before your body can get to the CBD. Because your body needs to digest the gummy bears it takes longer to hit the blood stream vs the tinctures we talked about previously. Sometimes people may be on a restrictive diet or they may have diabetes, so the sugars can risk diabetic shock which in these cases a tincture would work better for them. 

What do they taste like: They taste sweet! Think of it as a treat with your CBD in it! Some people do not like the taste of the tincture as we talked about before so this is a great method for taking your CBD and it tasting good!

How much do i use: It really comes down to however many you need to improve whatever condition you are using them for. I usually suggest start with 1 per dosage and see how it goes. There is no harm taking 1 in the morning and 1 at night or 3 at the same time. Keep in mind that each gummy bear has 5mg of CBD. Our oral tincture above has 16.6mg in a service so essentially you could eat 3 gummy bears to get the same doage. But as i previously stated start low and work your way up so you are not wasting them!

Will these get me high? Absolutely not. This is a common concern for people especially with anxiety. Our products are derived from high quality organic hemp. Hemp is high in CBD and very low in THC. Other products on the market sometimes are derived from cannabis which can include lots of THC. Our products do not. Our products are full spectrum meaning there maybe a tiny bit of thc but nothing near what you would need to give you the "high". Rest assured.


The capsules are a more concentrated dosage of CBD. Each capsule is 25mg. This makes it very easy to take a specific dosage of CBD. 25MG per capsule is like taking 1ml of 1000mg tincture. These capsules are great for someone who needs a higher dosage over something like the gummy bears but does not like the taste of the oral tincture we talked about previously. The capsules contain the cbd oil and MCT OIL which has many positive benefits on it's own. Because you are ingesting these they might take a little longer to get benefit from they work quicker then the gummy bears because they are not a food product.

Will these get me high? Absolutely not. This is a common concern for people especially with anxiety. Our products are derived from high quality organic hemp. Hemp is high in CBD and very low in THC. Other products on the market sometimes are derived from cannabis which can include lots of THC. Our products do not. Our products are full spectrum meaning there maybe a tiny bit of thc but nothing near what you would need to give you the "high". Rest assured.

How much do i use: It again all comes down to how much you need for whatever you are trying to treat. We suggest start with 1 and see how you feel after. Take the capsules with food. If 1 does not help then try 1 in the morning and 1 before bed.

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