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CBD Oil For Sleeping/Insomnia


Welcome to our CBD oil for sleeping post and welcome to ChilliwackCBD. We are an online retailer of CBD products here in Canada. We are located in Canada and only ship within Canada.

If you found this post you are likely researching CBD oil for sleeping or insomnia. Let me tell you that you are not the first and won't be the last to wonder if cbd oil for sleeping is something that will help you.

Right behind anxiety ailments, people are turning to CBD in droves to help with sleeping issues. It's a very common question we get so we thought we would go more into details about CBD and it's effect to help promote better sleep.


What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It's a Phytocannabinoid that is very closely related to another Phytocannabinoid which you are probably very familiar with, which is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD unlike THC does not give an intoxicating effect though and has many of the same benefits as THC does. This is the main real people are turning to CBD, because of the non-intoxicating effects. CBD and THC are only 2 of the most popular Phytocannabinoids but there are also over 100 other discovered in the cannabis plant. 


Will CBD get me high?

For someone new to experimenting with CBD the question people are always wondering is will CBD give me a high? This is something you probably certainly do not want if you are looking for CBD oil for sleeping or have insomnia. If we are talking about CBD specifically and on it's own the answer is NO CBD will not and cannot give you a high.

Even if you mixed 1:20 CBD: THC, or 1:15, or 1:10 you would still not get high. This is because CBD actually counteracts the effects of the THC. For most people to get enough THC to induce intoxication they would need at least a 1:8 ratio to 1:1 ratio of CBD: THC. 

All the products we sell here at Chilliwack CBD are derived from hemp, not marijuana. Hemp is used because it naturally has very high levels of CBD and very low levels of THC. 

Having trace amounts of THC and more importantly, whole plant matter is called a full spectrum. CBD only and by itself without anything else is called CBD isolate. CBD isolate is a much inferior product to a full spectrum. 


Does CBD help sleeping and insomnia?

To answer this question a little better we have to do a little more research into the actual question, to begin with. If you are having sleep issues or insomnia there usually is a root cause to that such as pain, anxiety, causes by Rx drugs, etc.

If CBD can help those root causes then they really should help promote getting to sleep and staying asleep.

CBD is not mainstream yet. The success of CBD is not coming from big pharmaceutical companies or television ads. The success of CBD is coming from people who are using it and telling others about it. 

While CBD may help a lot of people I can honestly say it might just not work for everyone. Just like regular medication it simply does not work for everyone, but certainly, it's worth a shot due to the current research is done.


What does the research say?

A 2019 study was done to determine whether CBD helps improve sleep and/or anxiety in a clinical population. The retrospective chart review included monthly documentation of anxiety and sleep quality in 103 adult patients. The results consisted of 72 adults presenting with primary concerns of anxiety (n = 47) or poor sleep (n = 25). Anxiety scores decreased within the first month in 57 patients (79.2%) and remained decreased during the study duration. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time. In this chart review, CBD was well tolerated in all but 3 patients. The Conclusion was
CBD may hold benefits for anxiety-related disorders. Controlled clinical studies are needed.

Pain which is a contributing factor to people with sleep issues can certainly be helped by CBD. There was a 2018 review that was published in the Frontiers in Pharmacology and it said there's a good amount of evidence to support the claims that CBD can ease pain, which ultimately if you reduce the pain then CBD can improve your sleep.

A 2013 animal study was done on rats to assess the effects on sleep of acute systemic administration of CBD. The conclusion of this study stated that the systemic acute administration of CBD appears to increase total sleep time, in addition to increasing sleep latency in the light period of the day of administration. 

If you continue your journey yourself and read then you will find a handful of more articles concluding CBD does, in fact, help promote sleep.


What type of CBD should I start with?

If you are at the point you are ready to try CBD then congrats! That's a big step and hopefully, one that gives you a better quality of life and sleep.

There are many ways to take CBD such as vaping, edibles, tinctures and capsules. With all these options which are best, you might ask? Each has its own pros and con but for the ease of use and dosing, we suggest a tincture to begin.

A tincture is pretty simple. It's CBD mixed with a carrier liquid (in our case it's MCT oil). The carrier liquid simply dilutes the CBD and because MCT is a fatty substance it helps the absorption of CBD.

When you look at all the TINCTURES we offer your next question might be which one do I start with? You will see there are different brands and different MG levels. If this is the first time using a CBD product and especially a CBD oil for sleeping then I would suggest something around 500mg to 1000mg. This will likely get you a good month to two months of use.





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